Tuesday, July 06, 2010


In a desperate attempt to become more trendy and even slightly popular, the most boring blog in the world is in Twitter now. Although I kind of suspect that to the youngsters, Twitter is already so 2008, and this half-hearted marketing attempt only serves to make me appear more like the fossil that I am than to... exactly what am I trying to accomplish here again? I forget.

So, in order to live up to the name of the blog, I guess I'll just tweet a "how does this thing work?", then never update again. That's boring for you. And I definitely will not update the picture either.

But then again, I'd really like to see the famous "fail whale". That means I'll have to sign on to Twitter every now and then. I suppose that they've finally gotten their site to scale by now, so, in all probability it should take several years to see it... oh, there it was.

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