I suspect that the I've discovered the answer to the question that's been plagueing mankind for ages: what is the most boring thing in the world? It'ssss... ta-dah... the weather report!
Or then, possibly, the weather report is very interesting, but for some reason, my brain just rejects it. I have very good concentration capabilities, to the point of being autistic (sometimes, in my wife's opinion), but when the weather report comes on in TV, my brain just immediately shuts off. I see it, but it just doesn't register. If somebody asks me what they just forecasted for tomorrow, I can't tell.
I don't actually know if the weather report is the boringest thing ever. I don't begin to yawn or anything, the information just flows right through. To me it always looks exactly the same: there's always the map of the country I happen to live in, some arrows, numbers and stuff. And then there's a person explaining something. Actually, I don't just blank out during weather reports, I usually start to think about the presenter. For some reason I like to think whether they're hot or not. Even though they're a guy. And this is not U.S.A, where, I hear, they usually have some presentable, scantily clad female meteorologists. I usually follow the news on the national broadcasting channel where the meteorologists are always fully dressed, very matter-of-fact and often blokes.
And I'm not sure why you should have weather reports anyway, at least so often. I usually don't seem to find the connection between the forecast presented on the night before and the weather in the morning when I look out the window. Or, actually, how could I, if I can't comprehend what they are forecasting in real-time, much less remember it the next day?
And anyway, if the weather tomorrow is really expected to differ significantly from the weather now, it's told in the actual news, isn't it? Well, for me, it doesn't really matter so much. I'm going to take the bicycle to work in the morning anyway. Unless it's the end of the world. In that case, I'll just go back to bed.
Friday, March 26, 2010
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